Sunday, September 16, 2007

Numero Uno

This is the first blog. For the first month or so much of the content I post will be backdated and possibly very random. (if you get really into the backdated stuff, you should try to track down my laptop, it has the content from my two years of joints - god bless this universe).
My posts, if i can try to forecast its future, will be composed much of experiences i would like to share with people who read this (I also advite you to shoot me an e-mail if you enjoy or would like to comment on any of my anecdotes). Other posts might consist of me racking my brain to try to figure something out. Other posts will hopfully enduldge in the depths of my brain bringing out more horrible grammer and spelling and reasons for things like n-bate, general cleaning, celtic classical, and other obscurities come about.

Today I feel sad. When my mom was giving me shit today, I got so upset I gave her the address to my blog so she might be better able to understand my plight.
(I stole that content from somoene, but its still quality.

I'm begining to worry that this style of writing may have negative affects to the traffic to my site... rss feed my site if you like it.

So today (and yesterday) I have been working on getting my (terk's) xbox to do what i want it to do: go online or somethign, i don't even really know what i want it to do, but its not doing it. So I get it working alot better than it was before and I go to test it's limits (not very far reaching) and i get this error "Error. Success." And the ony think i can click is Okay. Fuckin great. That did really sum up my experience with the xbox though. "Great story jon!"

Well fuck you, ill give you another post to make up for htis weak one. (and maybe a backdated one if your lucky)

Serving size of Fla-Vor-Ice "1 pop" Can you OD on Fla-Vor-Ice pops?
-Inspired by Perry

What have we learned:
rss feed this and comment to promote more content and.... research pop o.d.

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