Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Burn Cruise aka Wackey Jim's Tour

We were in Byron Bay and I woke up earlier than i would have on my own the morning of this ridiculous adventure. Before i could really tell my right from my left i was riding a bus with some alright music and a ridiculous hippy headed toward Nimbin. So were listening to some pretty good music, and before each new song he intros it with a little speech and then usually the lyrics and song portray the feelings he was talking about. Usually he talks about the town were going though, or the rotaries were about to hit, or the good attitudes we should carry with us for the remainder of the tour. Good stuff!

We reach Nimbin. We all pile out of the funky painted bus and walk toward the main strip toward a place known as "The Rainbow Cafe." Little do we know how easy it is, despite being illegal to actually obtain weed cookies.

A quick timeout and an intro to Nimbin. Nimbin is an ultra hippy town where the pretty much sell weed on the streets (and in the back of shops and a the town's 't tiny museum). I personally had not smoked since 10 months before. And the minimum amount of time anyone else with me was 3 months, so we were gonna get high if we wanted to.

So we get some cookies, eat them, and wander around the town for the hour and a half that we have. Some funny things happened to some people. I am pretty sure Sara bought sugar cookies, thinking that if she winked at the lady behind the counter they would become weed cookies. No just kidding, but some of the cookies were pretty sure had minimal weed in it. But the highlight of Nimbin was when we were all ready to leave and someone needed to go back and get another pack of cookies just so he wouldn't run out later. So we, as a collective bus including the driver, decide to drive the bus down and meet him. Needless to say, we had already predicted a reaction similar to the one we got, but i couldn't have asked for a better one. We turn the bus around and head toward the main strip. We see victor and he sees us. He is waving at us with a concerned face, slowly walking into the road. As we get closer to him he starts waving a bit faster, and walking a bit brisker. As we pass Victor breaks out into a full blown sprint, I've never seen him run this fast. The entire bus is laughing ridiculously hard. I'm laughing hard but its a funny laugh because its one of those laughs where with each beat of my laugh I'm sort of feeling embarrassed at the same time. "Should i stop?" "No!" But I was prepared to feel uncomfortable when Victor gets on the bus and everyone is laughing at him. Anyway, the bus pulls over to the side by a small station and opens its doors, with victor no more than 3 strides behind. Victor busts into the bus and shouts with victory "Yeeaa!" The entire bus keeps laughing, now with victor, and we all cheer. Good day at Nimbin.
For the highlight of this Cruise through Nimbin:
Were all feeling a little funny when our driver, Doug, breaks the music with his voice, "Gravity is an amazing thing, when you can feel the gravity".. The song he int erupted went something like this "Don't fuck with a mountain, cause you ll get fucked up" So with his timing, I didn't think he was that ridiculous, but ridiculous none the less. So our driver is ranting some high speech when we turn onto a paved, 1.5 lane road with a huge drop in the beginning then a bunch of ups and downs for the rest of the road. Were at the top and Doug says "All we need is a little luck, a good attitude, and some synchronicity!" Doug blasts a Pink Floyde song and accelerates down this massive hill. I'm pretty sure i speak for everyone when i was wondering if this was a good business decision as far as steady income goes, dead people don't pay! Either way, we were all excited. The music is good and we stop descending and start climbing again. The first crest, the music explodes as our eyes get bombarded with surreal landscape. This is allot to take in, especially when were on some cookies... So we make it to the second crest and again the timing of the music is just ridiculous. Four full peaks we go over in time with the song, beautiful! The road mellows down along with the song and we all sit content for the rest of the song. But as we come to the end of the road, there is a T intersection ahead, we slow down and with us, the song. We come to a stop at this intersection at the precise moment the song ends.....

How do things like this happen?

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